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Birth Control
There are a lot of birth control options, and conversations about birth control are going to look different for every person for many reasons. People of all genders may need to use birth control to prevent pregnancy. There is no “best choice” that will be right for everyone. You have the right to decide what is best for you.
When we talk about bodies in this resource, we will be using the term “person with a penis” instead of male and “person with a vulva/vagina” instead of female to include all bodies and identities.
Birth Control Options
How Does Pregnancy Happen?
For pregnancy to happen there needs to be: an egg from the body of a person with a vulva/vagina sperm (ejaculate) from the body of a person with a pe...
Types of Birth Control
There are a lot of birth control options that work very well. There is no “best choice” that will be right for everyone. You have the right to dec...

Do I Need to See a Doctor to get Birth Control?
Sometimes. Each method in this booklet includes information on how to get it. A person can talk to their family doctor about any of the methods of bir...
Birth Control & Consent
If a person is using birth control it does not mean that they want to have sex. Being prepared is not consent. Consent is an affirmation (yes) from ev...