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Sexuality and People With Disabilities
At the Centre for Sexuality, we believe that every person deserves healthy relationships. We also believe that people with disabilities have the right to learn about their bodies, relationships, intimacy, and sexuality. People with disabilities have the right to explore their sexuality and have the right to sexual health information that meets their abilities and needs.
If you are a person with a disability or someone who supports people with disabilities, please contact us for more information about our programs. We offer one-on-one counselling or information sessions, group education sessions, and training for parents, guardians and/or support professionals.
Please email: for more information.
Another great resource is the Right to Love Advocacy Group, which we are proud partners of.Sexuality and People With Disabilities
Talking to Children with Developmental Disabilities about Sex
Every person needs love and intimacy. It is a human right to express and receive affection and love and explore one’s sexuality. This is true for ch...