Finding out what feels good!

What is the largest sexual organ? The skin! This is why many different locations on the body can feel wonderful to have touched. Touching can be done with fingers, the lips or tongue, or sometimes with sexual props. Partners can explore sensual and exciting ways to explore the body together if that feels right for them. The word “sensual” includes all the physical senses – touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound. To heighten sexual pleasure, people may want to try arousing each of these senses.

An erogenous zone is an area of the body that is sensitive to touch and results in sexual arousal when stimulated. Each person reacts differently to touch. For example, some people love having their feet massaged; others get goosebumps when someone gently nibbles or kisses their earlobes. Discovering where a partner’s erogenous zones are can be part of the fun!

While the entire body can be considered an erogenous zone, there are specific areas that are often more sensitive than others. Click the drop-down menu below to learn more.

Areas Sensitive to Touch

The skin on the lips is thinner than on other parts of the body and is also richly supplied with nerve endings, making it a place that can feel pleasurable to explore with touch, kisses, or licks. Every person’s body reacts differently to touch, however, so if a person feels comfortable talking about sex with their partner, they can ask them how and whether they like their lips to be touched.

Some people find their nipples to be sensitive to stimulation. Different people prefer different types of touch here (or no touch at all), but if a person is open to being touched, nipples can be stroked, kissed, licked, rubbed, or even pinched if that feels good to them. If a person feels comfortable talking about sex, they can ask their partner what kinds of touch they enjoy here. If someone is not comfortable asking direct questions, they can pay attention to their partner’s body language and non-verbal cues and follow their lead.

As far as anyone knows, the clitoris has only one purpose and this is pleasure! For many folks with a clitoris, stimulation of this body part is sexually satisfying and can lead to orgasm. To please a partner, someone can try stroking the clitoris with their hand or rubbing against it with their body. Remember that every person’s body reacts differently to touch, though. Some people like vigorous stroking of the clitoris and others prefer slower, gentle touch. If a person is comfortable talking about sex, they can ask their partner how and where they like to be touched. If someone is not comfortable with direct questions, then they can pay attention to their partner’s reactions and follow their lead.

The G-Spot is a sensitive spot about one to three inches inside the vagina on the front wall (belly side of the vagina). It is named after Dr. Ernst Gräfenberg, a gynaecologist who first wrote about this spot back in 1950. It is supposedly a supersensitive area of tissues that can lead to high states of sexual arousal and powerful orgasms when stimulated. However, there is plenty of controversy about whether a G-Spot exists and whether or not it is connected with female ejaculation. Some people with a vulva claim to have a G-Spot and others deny it exists. Either way, we encourage folks to keep in mind that there is not one magic spot that needs to be touched in order to please a partner.

The penis is very sensitive to touch, particularly the head of the penis where many nerve endings are concentrated. Stroking the length of the penis or the shaft including the head can be pleasurable and will often lead to orgasm. With that in mind, remember that every person likes to be touched differently. Some folks like the friction of quick and vigorous strokes on their penis and others prefer slower, gentle touch (or both).

The scrotum is the thin skin that surrounds and protects the testicles. It is very sensitive and responds to light touching or stroking. Some people with penises find that the scrotum is quite ticklish, so it’s important to handle this part with care. It’s also a good idea for a person to ask their partner how and where they like to be touched. If someone is not comfortable asking their partner directly, then they can pay attention to their body’s reactions and follow their lead.

The prostate gland is the size of a walnut. It is found in front of the rectum and just below the bladder, which stores urine. The prostate makes some of the milky fluid (semen) that carries sperm. The prostate wraps around a tube (the urethra) that carries urine from the bladder out through the tip of the penis. During an orgasm, muscles squeeze the prostate’s fluid into the urethra. Sperm, which are made in the testicles, also go into the urethra during orgasm. The milky fluid carries the sperm through the penis during orgasm. The prostate gland may be stimulated from inside the rectum, or by applying pressure on the base of the perineum near the anus. Some people who report what it feels like to have their prostate and seminal vesicles stimulated often give descriptions that sound similar to accounts of G-Spot stimulation.

The anus is the opening at the bottom of the digestive tract where solid waste leaves the body. It is surrounded by a band of muscles called a sphincter, and it also has many nerve endings which can make it sensitive to stimulation. Some people enjoy being touched around, on, or in their anus, but everyone has different preferences and comfort levels. If a person is comfortable talking about sex, they can ask their partner how and where they like to be touched. If someone is not comfortable with direct questions, then they can pay attention to their partner’s reactions and follow their lead.

The perineum is the area at the bottom of the torso between the vagina and anus or between the scrotum and anus, depending on a person’s anatomy. Some people enjoy receiving pleasure here, but it’s always great to be aware of someone’s personal preferences and comfort levels—and to receive consent—before touching their perineum.